Myrradel Trivia
[Trivia #6 (Category: General)]

The first person with the _correctly spelled_ answer is awarded the point(s).

Answers must be spelled correctly to be valid. Give yourself approximately 60 seconds per question. Questions asking for a two-part or longer answer will have their deadline extended.

When you've think you've completed a question, drag your cursor across the line which "Answer here:" is upon to reveal the correct answer to the question. Press CTRL-A while in the window to reveal all of the answers.

# 1: Q. With what band is Trent Reznor associated with?
Answer here: Nine Inch Nails

# 2: Q. What car made by Henry Ford was nicknamed the "Tin Lizzy?"
Answer here: The Model T

# 3: Q. The pivot point of a lever is called the:
Answer here: Fulcrum

# 4: Q. Doctors often have this instrument around their neck:
Answer here: A stethoscope

# 5: Q. There are three types of rocks: metamorphic, sedimentary, and:
Answer here: Igneous

# 6: Q. Which city is known as Motown?
Answer here: Detroit

# 7: Q. The study of religion is called:
Answer here: Theology

# 8: Q. This poisonous gas is in the exhaust fumes from cars.
Answer here: Carbon monoxide

# 9: Q. Which finger is the most sensitive on a human?
Answer here: Index

# 10: Q. Bibliophobia is a fear of this:
Answer here: Books

# 11: Q. From which fish is caviar obtained?
Answer here: Sturgeon

# 12: Q. This dry, warm wind flows eastward down the slopes of the Rocky Mountains.
Answer here: A chinook

# 13: Q. What do you call a male sheep?
Answer here: A ram

# 14: Q. How many squares are there on a chessboard?
Answer here: 64

# 15: Q. The Big Dipper is part of what constellation?
Answer here: Ursa Major/Big Bear

# 16: Q. What is the English translation of "Mir"?
Answer here: Peace

# 17: Q. This war began on June 25, 1950.
Answer here: The Korean War

# 18: Q. What is the name of the ancient far eastern book of sexual positions?
Answer here: Kama Sutra

# 19: Q. What is the shape formed from the continuous and constant decrease of size in concentric circles that are elevated at a constant rate?
Answer here: A cone

# 20: Q. What does the abbreviation a.m. stand for?
Answer here: Ante Meridian


Cajetan - 6
Jared - 5
Leeloo - 4
Jihad - 4
Aviendha - 1

July 16, 2000 by Aelwyft.